
Categoryenum class

Blends are operators that take in two colors (source, destination) and return a new color.

Many of these operate the same on all 4 components: red, green, blue, alpha. For these, we just document what happens to one component, rather than naming each one separately.

Different ColorTypes have different representations for color components: 8-bit: 0..255 6-bit: 0..63 5-bit: 0..31 4-bit: 0..15 floats: 0...1

The documentation is expressed as if the component values are always 0..1 (floats).

For brevity, the documentation uses the following abbreviations s : source d : destination sa : source alpha da : destination alpha

Results are abbreviated r : if all 4 components are computed in the same manner ra : result alpha component rc : result "color": red, green, blue components

This type can have following values: